Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Surya Wellness Programme using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan

"Yoga is a science of reality and an experiental proof of the sacredness of all life" Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation are powerful scientific and spiritual tools for living your best possible life. The word yoga means union. Kundalini means coil. It is our inherent creative energy that lies coiled and dormant within. When awakened it aligns us with our highest creative potential. Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga we balance, integrate and align mind, body and soul. This is achieved through using conscious breath work (prananyama) psotures (asanas) mnatras (chanting) mudras (specific hand postions), kriyas (series of movements)

Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga we connect with infinite consciousness and align ourselves with our true prupose. How consciously do we really live our lives? Do we make decisions from a point of compassion or fear?

Benfits of a regular practice:

  • connects us with our bodies
  • strengthens and stretches the spine
  • decreased stress
  • enhances focus
  • increased circuclation
  • increased lung capacity
  • muscular stetch and strength
  • powerfully strengthens immune, glandular and nervous system
  • re-energizes
  • detoxifies
  • quietens the mind
  • deepens awarenss
  • assists in breaking negative thought patterns to create new postive ones
  • balances emotions
  • deepens sense of self and self worth
  • inner strength
  • releases negative emotions that we subconsciosly hold onto and recreate
  • we experience expansion and deep stillness
  • we connect with infinte consciousness and experience infiite possibility
  • we experience ourselves as more than just a physical body
  • we open ourselves up to living our purpose
The structure of a Kundalini Yoga class is always the same. We start by tuning in with mantras, followed by a warm up and then a set (a series of specific asana's) all have a desire outcome. The set is followed by a relaxation and meditation. A full class lasts an hour and a half. This may be shortened to suite your organisations specific needs. A 40 minute or one hour morning , lunch hour or early evening class once or ideally twice a week is recommended.

For More Information on classes, workshops and retreats contact:  suryawellnessprogramme@gmail.com
078 320 60 82