Today feels sweeter, the light feels brighter, my being feels clearer!
I have discovered another gem of a meditation : Meditation for Interdependence. I have recently, in the last couple of days, added it to my daily practice.
You sit comfortably, no specific hand mudra is given, hands relaxed and you make a strong clucking sound with your tongue striking and releasing it against the upper palate. The tongue presses the upper palate and breaks from it with a force. It pulls forcefully on the upper palate at the rate of approximately 2 clucks per second. This stimulates the hypothalamus.
Very important!!! Do not practice for longer than 3 minutes. Yogi Bhajan says more than 3 minutes and its no longer an excercise, it becomes an addiction.
You will find this meditation in the book: SUCCESS AND SPIRIT: An Aquarian Path to Abundance
I will definitely be teaching this meditation in my classes this week:)
ONE of the MILLIONS of things I love about Kundalini Yoga is that through these ancient techniques gifted to us from a long lineage of dedicated yogis, we can shift our consciousness in the shortest of times. Try this meditation and observe how you feel afterwards. I would love to hear.
Truely in 3 minutes, with the right tools, you can take yourself from a negative space into a clear, centered and balanced place.
Out of curiosity I consulted my old brown pages of The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Their definition of
Independent: self governing, not depending on something else for its validity, not depending on others for one's opinion or conduct.
Interdependence: depend on each other
For me this also sums the essence of the Aquarian Age up, where we move away from an "I" focused reality and self gratification but rather towards a reality where we live to support and serve each other, uplift each other in a way that honours each one of our unique purposes and the highest good of our planet and all beings.
This is a powerful, short, punchy and pertinent meditation. I have probably spent most of my life subconciously trying to prove how independent I am! Balance is always ultimately the aim. Moving away from the external act of proving and softening into the natural rhythm of fully BEing, living.
AND....from the Aquarian Teacher by Yogi Bhajan: The hypothalamus is the main intermediary between the nervous system and the endocrine system, the two major control systems of the body. IT IS THE CENTRE OF MIND BODY PHENOMENA. It sends information throughout the body in the form of chemical messengers that trigger emotions, metabolic activity, and actions in a nonlinear wavelike manner.
In the last few days Eckhart Tolle has been speaking to me through these words: " whatever you fight you strengthen and what you resist persists"
Sat Nam