Monday, May 25, 2015

Spirit Pathways Foundation

My new profile on Spirit Pathways Foundation:

Honoured to be part of this gathering of phenomenal woman


Friday, May 22, 2015

European Kundalini Yoga Festival 2015

I am very excited that I am going to be teaching a workshop at this year's European Kundalini Yoga Festival, at Fondjoun, in the Loire Valley, in France.

The last time I went to this festival was in 2007. It was a deeply inspiring experience  for me. Healing on all levels, in all ways, mind, body and soul. A feast of yoga and meditation, supported by a cleansing diet, culminating in 3 days of tansformational White Tantric Yoga. You leave the festival grounds after the 8 days with the brightest, purest, strongest, most glowing aura ever!

Guru Dev Singh, who is the Master of Sat Nam Rasayan, a highly subtle and powerful form of healing using the meditative/neutral mind, will be there. He is always a highlight! Below are his written illustrations of 2 meditations he gave  me to practice, after a consultation with him.

If this is something that calls you, check out their site for more details: www.3ho-kundalini-

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Clearing our Subconscious Stories

This months Rebirthing Kriya is: clearing our subconscious stories

Yogi Bhajan says this:

"This is what happens to you as human beings: The fear confronts you. Are you with me? Fear confronts you, and you simply create the other side of the coin. You get allured into productivity in order to create happiness and to get rid of the fear. You don't go and face the fear and kill it."

"Humans have nothing to worry about if they can challenge fear and kill it, conquer it, rather than storing it in the subconscious."

If this resonates, please join me on the 30th May @ Phakalane: from 10-12 for this Rebirthing class.
Email me to book:

Love Light Blessings

Monday, May 18, 2015

Prana Apana Poetry and Meditation Anthology

You can NOW download my poetry and meditation anthology from It is a collection of my original poetry and Kundalini Yoga Meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This book holds the KRI(Kundalini Research Institute) seal of approval.
Sat Nam