Monday, June 22, 2015

Angelic Ghosting

This months Rebirthing Kriya is: Angelic Ghosting.

"Seeing you, who I love - seeing you small, seeing you suffer, seeing you not use your capacity, your capabilities, seeing you not take care of your life, seeing that you do not have the vastness and the strength to deal with life is more painful than living." Yogi Bhajan

He continues to say..."You are children of the commotional self....Why is making a trauma important to you? Why is creating a drama important to you? Why are yelling and screaming important to you? Why is getting angry important to you? Why is getting depressed important to you? Why are apathy and sympathy important to you?..."

If this resonates, the class starts at 10am-12pm Sat 27th June. Phakalane.

Email me to book your space:

The Rebirthing  classes are deep, transformative, subtle and meditative. The potent sound current of the gong is part of the process.

All welcome


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

5 Reasons To Book a Private Kundalini Yoga Session

"Every tomorrow is today.  Leave a legacy and be one with Infinity and then you will be liberated"  Yogi Bhajan

Embarking on a journey of private one to one Kundalini Yoga sessions will serve you in which ever way you need and receive. Your intention may be to deepen your practice or to familiarize yourself with the many facets that Kundalini Yoga incorporates ( the breathing, the mantras, the poses, the meditations) It will increase stamina and confidence or simply be the committed time that you have made for yourself to journey deeper to allow the space for conscious clearing and release, all in the nurturing comfort of your own space.

Benefits of a one to one Practice:

  1. If you have an injury or illness you are recovering from this is the perfect way to practice specific kriyas ( a series of poses with specific breathing and exercises, including meditation) that will assist in your rehabilitation process. The Kriyas that I choose will be specific to what you are working with.
  2. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga this is a beautiful way to familiarize yourself with the practice and work on something specific at the same time.
  3. If you are going through or have gone through massive trauma, abuse, addiction etc...this is a deep and healing way to consciously work and move through what you are dealing with. There are powerful Kriyas that meet every layer and level of our human experience to allow us to move through and beyond traumatic experience to allow deep and authentic healing, releasing what we need to release from our cells, souls and hearts. 
  4. Through a one to one practice we can together create a daily sadhana (daily practice) that supports your process, if that is what resonates with you.
  5. To end our private session I will give you some Reiki.  Reiki is a beautiful, gentle and subtle form of hands on healing.

Since I discovered Kundalini Yoga in 1999 this practice has been my medicine.  This practice without a doubt is ancient, powerful medicine that works on the entire being, mind, body and soul. Personally this is the first medicine I turn to heal, strengthen and release.

for more specific information or questions email me:


Monday, June 8, 2015

June with Patwant 2015

Rebirthing and Writing Retreat
 With Jai and Patwant
13-14 June
A deepening into your rebirthing process using writing as a tool to further explore.
Only 3 spaces left if you resonate.
21 June Winter Solstice and International Yoga Day

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer" Albert Camus

Winter Solstice is a deep internal time of reflection. We have the opportunity to acknowledge and face the shadow of ourselves, heal wounds and release old patterns that no longer serve us. We pause. We stop. We listen.

What is your soul whispering?

It is in the dark rich soil that seeds crack open and shoot roots deep into the earth and begin the journey upwards towards the light they do not yet see but sense.

On this shortest day and longest night we celebrate the rebirth of the sun. We call back the light. We call back our light.

Join me to mark this winter solstice by practising Surya Kriya - a very doable, for all ages and stages kriya that awakens the sun enegy within. When we awaken this sun energy we draw in our power, focus, energy, enthusiasm and awaken our glowing, warm, blazing inner light. This year the UN has declared 21 June International Yoga Day. How gloriously brilliant is that! Of course for us yogis everyday is yoga day, but what a beautiful honouring this is from the UN.

Venue: Phakalane:
Cost: R200
Time: 11am-1pm
email to book:

27 June: Monthly Rebirthing Class

Every month we work with a different Rebirthing Kriya as taught by Yogi Bhajan.  At the essence of all the Rebirthing Kriyas we work with the releasing and unlocking of deep subconscious blocks. The Rebirthing Kriyas are deep, meditative and transformative.

Venue: Phakalane:
Time: 10am-12pm
Cost: R200

For all of the above please email me to book: