Thursday, January 20, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
By Patwant Rhodes
Deep meaningful healing can occur when we create space, external and internal space. If there is too much noise, clutter, activity and we fill our schedules up to the brim, to the last hour and minute of the day without allowing breathing space and time for integration of all the effects of what we have consciously worked with, how can anything truly shift, truly heal, truly transform, actually the opposite happens and we restrict ourselves, trapping ourselves in high alert states with our nervous systems and glands on guard, our bodies and beings in a locked, held state just keeping it together like we`ve always done. You may have experienced getting sick when you finally take leave, as you finally have permission to let go, process, eliminate and deeply rest.
If we push ourselves at the expense of what we actually require we bit by bit day by day year by year drain our vital life force energy, even if we have the best intentions and are eating correctly, exercising, stretching, meditating, breathing correctly and sleeping well.
The rhythms of our bodies change. Our needs change like seasons change, sometimes we are more energetic, other times less so and we need to be flexible and learn to tune in and listen to the subtleties of what our bodies require and adapt our practices and rhythms to honour that with enough breathing spaces to process and integrate all of the myriad of interactions and experiences that we have.
Western culture is addicted to doing, instant results, predictable outcomes and quick fixes. Healing does not happen that way. Healing takes its own time, is a journey of discovery and recovery and often requires delving deep and unlocking that which we have been holding, it can expose our deepest vulnerabilities, fears and patterns that all require time and space to be digested. When committed to a healing path you will realise healing is a process of peeling away very fine layers. Mind, body and soul are intricately connected and all constantly reflect each other, our bodies are truly our temples. How do we intimately relate to the temple we inhabit? How does this temple speak to you, whisper to you, support you? There is always something more to be revealed, to be released, to be processed, to be healed. There is always something to learn and unlearn. Learning to be gentle with ourselves is a often challenging, being hard on ourselves is often our default mode. Observe where you can be kinder to yourself, more forgiving.
Healing is a different and unique process for everyone. We are each unique beings physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. There can be no one way for everyone, no one formula that can be imposed.
Our bodies, soul journeys, life journeys and experiences are unique. The lessons we came here to learn are different. What works for one of us does not necessarily work for the other.
May we remember to breathe an expansive state of spaciousness into and between all that we practice and allow our bodies, minds and souls space and time to truly heal thoroughly and deeply. May we listen to the wisdom of our bodies and souls. May we be gentle with ourselves and others as we all navigate our unique journeys. May we create the breathing room we require in order to allow space for ourselves to flourish and grow into our fullest potential.