Sunday, December 25, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016

looking up, tuning in, opening

There is a need right now to look up, look out, not in a way that is running from what is, but in a way that allows us to see that there is light, a higher vibration, a higher plan, a shift. There is a lightness out of the heaviness. There is a purpose.  There is a plan. There is an infinite, powerful universe that courses through our veins. Find the light.  Keep finding the light and when you do, consciously breathe it.

When we open to life and what it brings in all its forms, when we open to life and what it brings, free of judgments, when we allow what is as it is, we are free. Divine and deep acceptance is liberation, even if only for a moment. Keep practicing it. Acceptance. When we unlock, shed and open, we allow. Allowing brings flow, magic, spontaneity, gifts. 

The true path can only reveal itself as we step forward. One foot at a time.

sat nam

Sunday, July 31, 2016

s i t

This month has been full to the brim with waves of intensity, waves of deep unwavering knowing, waves of complete overwhelm, waves of crystal clear clarity, waves of miracles and definitely waves of a subtle scent of something new on the crescent of the moon. There is a scent of something magical in the air as we continue to forge a new path from right where we are, no matter how challenging it may feel, no matter how slow your progress may feel externally.  There is major work happening deep below the surface, in the murky underworld, where excavation is always necessary.  The effects are not quite visible yet. They will be.  If you sniff the wind in those quiet moments, you will sense the wind changing.

Between these great moments of burning fear and allowing the intense feelings of being completely out of control, there is a great sense of everything being exactly perfect as it is, even if we don't completely understand it right now.

My daily practice is what carries me. My sitting in and surrendering to the burn is what carries me.  Our souls are truly great.  We are simply here to fulfill and honour a purpose, a soul contract.  I continually need to remind myself to get out of the way of myself.  It is all way beautifully bigger than me, than you. Once we start clinging, attaching, resisting, running from what is alive for us in this moment, that is our big sign to sit. Sit. Sit and observe what is there. No matter what. SIT.

This month the kriyas that have arisen to be taught are ones like: "wake up the body to handle stress and strain" "radiant body kriya for courage" "kriya for pleasure and happiness" "sexual energy transformation kriya" "glandular shine" lots of healing ra ma da sa sa say so hung meditation, as well as "removing fear of the future" with the beautiful soothing dhan dhan ram das guru mantra for miracles , healing and blessings. Such beautifully perfect kriyas that leave us feeling recentered. Reset.

We are all in the process of birthing a new age. I love the Rebirithing Kriyas that Yogi Bhajan taught in the 80's. They are so pertinent and perfect for these times. A deep clearing of trauma and subconscious pain occurs with each one.

This months Kriya: ARDH KECHARI KRIYA again, was very powerful. Yogi Bhajan said that Kechari Kriya is one of the most sacred kriyas in yoga.  With this particular kriya he said it would take 7 days to integrate the effects. To assist this process he said 32 oz of any citrus juice should be drunk for 7 days after practicing it.

July also saw the ending of my 3 months practice of another round of Sopurkh.  I have done a few rounds of those over the last couple of years..  This month also marked the beginning of another practice of Bound Lotus and Japji Sahib.  This time working towards it being my 1000 meditation. In three years I will let you know how that went!

On this 31st day of July 2016 I leave you with a poem I wrote today after my meditation.


I spin through the desert of my dreams
rainforests rip through me
moons circle my sun
stars become me
light shatters me
I merge


I am all of everything

and eyes




Thursday, June 2, 2016

June 2016 with Patwant

Great Resounding Sat Nam Greetings

June is finding itself beautifully full, rounded and succulent. Perhaps some of the offerings below will make your soul sing.  If so do please join me.

♡♡♡11 June:

On Saturday 11 June we will be launching our very first YOGA2CARE Fundraising class for Capricorn Primary in Vrygrond. 675 children need help with school fees,  food, trauma councelling etc...We want to help them! I will be teaching the first fundraising class in their school hall in Vrygrond.
Time: 9-11
Bring: yoga mat and donation (no previous yoga experience needed)
Email me to book and I will give you directions.

Abigel Sheridan, a phenomenal, dynamic woman who initiated 'Chic Mamas Do Care' raises so much money through her initiatives for communities in dire need...Abigel Sheridan I salute you and thank you for giving us this opportunity to give!

♡♡♡18 June:


Venue: Phakalane
Time 10am-1pm
Investment: R300

If you need a mid year REBOOT this is the perfect morning for you.

We will be practising the transformational ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Gift yourself this precious time. Continue the deep journey of your soul awakening at this most auspicious time on earth. More than ever it is our time to heal and awaken. Breathe a good healing dose of light, life and clarity into your practice.
Email me to book:

♡♡♡25 June:


Removing your subconscious blocks lies at the essence of every Rebirthing Kriya.

"My weakness is that my mind doesn't reflect myself. When I have a hazy mind and a dazey day, that is the day I have failed within myself. That's the beginning of every life and the end of every life. There is nobody in the world who can tell you what to do or who has an answer for your problems. Your answer to your problems will come from the very self of your own self" Yogi Bhajan

Venue: Phakalane
Time: 10am-1pm
Investment: R200

Multiple Blessings on your journey. Hope to see you at one of these classes soon.

Sat Nam

Monday, February 29, 2016

Spirit Voyage

I am excited to share that my poetry and meditation anthology: Prana Apana is now available to download/purchase from: under the e-book section

This anthology includes my original poetry as well as Kundalini Yoga Meditations as originally taught by Yogi Bhajan.